To work on site in the “Bump in” and “Bump out” Period you must have closed in shoes and a high visibility vest.

You must sign the declaration of wellness every day before arriving at work, even in the bump in phase.

Before arriving into the building, you must “Scan In” using the QR Code at the entry door. You can do this by using the camera on your smart phone and filling in your personal details.

It is important to remember to practice the Covid-19 safe policies regarding hand hygiene, cough etiquette and social distancing at all times.

You must have current and relevant qualifications to operate forklift and scissor lift machinery and also the relevant heavy vehicle license to drive these vehicles. The Bump in and Bump out period mainly consists of:

• Manual labour and requires heavy lifting and carrying items,
• Packing and wrapping of decorations,
• Visual merchandising,
• And construction of rides and games,
• It is import that you follow OH&S practices by lifting with bent knees.
• You must take good care of the inventory and do not drop, break or step on assets while in the set-up phase. If you break it you pay for!

You must be aware of your surroundings and be careful and mindful that forklifts, scissor lifts and vehicles could be moving.

The use of head phones and mobile phones while working is prohibited because it could distract you from your task and you may not hear reversing vehicles.


You need to be familiar with the OH&S standards when:

• Working at Heights
• Working with Electricity
• Working with Chemicals
• Working in Heat


When we start work there will be allocated Break periods including:

• A 15 min morning “smoko” break,
• A Lunch break,
• A 15 min afternoon “smoko” break, and
• A Dinner break.

These break periods are for having cigarette and going to the toilet! You must NOT leave your assigned task to go for cigarettes or go to the toilet outside of these periods without consulting with your direct supervisor! These break periods are un paid and if additional toilet and cigarette breaks are taken they will be deducted from your total hours that day.

All staff members take breaks at the same time and then return at the same time for maximum productivity.

If this needs to be addressed more than once then a written warning will be issued, after a written warning then it is immediate dismissal.


    I, (Enter Your Full Name Below and Tax File Number)

    state clearly that I have read and understand the ASA Bump In and Bump Out Instructions