When Patrons arrive at the queue line,begin by opening the barrier and organising riders into the bumper cars available.

Make sure that all riders meet the height and weight restrictions set out on the safety signage at the entry before being allowed into the ride.

Please Note: Due to Covid no mixed riding in the cars is permitted and only family groups can ride in the same “bumper car”.

Max 2 riders per car

Riders must be tall enough to ride!

Assist riders into the cars and ensure that the safety belt is under both arms correctly. Once the ride is loaded and all patrons are in cars, the operator will signal on the microphone that the ride is about to commence. (This gives the riders warning and they can sit up straight and get ready for the ride to begin.

The ride will commence and the patrons can now press their foot on the pedal to start the car to drive.

All riders are instructed to ride in the one direction and are instructed that “ head on bumping” is not permitted.


It is your responsibility to keep a watch for cars that become congested and can not steer the car in the right direction. If a car becomes locked in a position then you can go over to the car and assist the driver.

You can stand on the back of the car by holding on to the car pole. (it is important to stand with the pole over your shoulder.

You must ensure that you place your feet sideways so that they are not sitting off the edge of the rubber bumper.

You can lean forward and assist the driver steer the wheel to get the car back in motion and driving in the right direction.

Before leaving the car you must look out for other cars and that the area is clear to move back to the side decks.

Be careful of cars that may bump into you while assisting drivers and always maintain your grip so that you not loss your balance.

When the ride is finished, the cars will stop moving and you can open the exit gates and direct patrons to leave the ride area.


    I, (Enter Your Full Name Below and Tax File Number)

    state clearly that I have read and understand the ASA Working Dodgem Cars Instructions.