ASA has 7 Mechanical Children’s Rides.

• Dragon Wagon parents and children
• Red Baron Super Planes parents and children
• Tea Cups parents and children
• Convoy Super Trucks children only
• Hampton Motorbikes children between 2 and 12
Santa Fe Train children only
• Elephant Train parents and children
• Taxi Jet children only

These rides are made for children but the child must be at least 90cm or be able to sit up by them self unattended (babies are not permitted!)

While most of the rides have a very simple operating control panel that has a stop and start button, it is very important that you have your complete attention on the moving ride at all times.


While operating an amusement ride you have the responsibility for its safe and efficient operation. As the ride operator you have direct contact with the patrons and it is your job to ensure they have a safe and enjoyable ride.


When you first arrive at the you ride you must scan your area of responsibility to look for any hazards that may cause tripping and ensure any power leads are covered on the ground. You need to clean all areas of the carriages and ensure that the ride is clean and the seats are dry. You can then walk around the ride and ensure that the fences are far enough away from the ride carriages so that spectators cannot reach the ride when it is in operation. You can also do a visual inspection and making sure that no components are damaged or worn including seat belts. DO NOT OPERATE THE RIDE IF YOU ARE UNSURE OF ITS SAFETY AND CONTACT A MEMBER OF THE MANAGEMENT TEAM IF YOU ARE UNSURE OR WOULD LIKE TO POINT OUT ANYTHING THAT IS UNUSUAL.


Prior to opening turn on your ride and let it run for 3 turning cycles to ensure the ride is operating correctly AND test the emergency stop button is working. Whenever you leave the operating controls ensure the emergency stop button is compressed.


Plan to load the ride evenly balance so that carriage that are opposite are loaded rather then carriages side by side on one side of the ride! Make sure that patrons have complied with the safety rules and are not under the influence of drugs or alcohol, do not have any items with them on the ride including bags and do not have any food or drinks on the ride. All loose items including keys, mobile phone, sunglasses should be removed prior to riding.

COVID-19 SAFE NOTE: All riders must use the hand sanitizer provided before entering into the ride area.

Open the entry gates and collect the tickets. You must secure the gate once all riders are inside and continue to load patrons into the carriages and checking all seat belts are secure. Completely walk around the ride and make sure that all riders are sitting upright and seat belts are secure.

Parents are allowed into the ride area to assist the children into the carriages but they must now leave the fenced area and watch from outside the fenced area. You must check the seat belts of the children if parents have assisted them into the carriages.

Once you are ready to start the ride you need to give the patrons a warning signal by tooting the horn or calling out “HERE WE GO”. This give the children a warning signal so they can sit upright and do not lose their balance if the ride starts suddenly.

You can start the ride by pressing on the green start button.

• While the Ride is in Operation
• You must maintain eye contact at all times
• Keep your head up and monitor the ride and the perimeters including the entry and exit gates
• Mobile phones are strictly prohibited and should not be looked at while the ride is in operation
• Watch for children attempting to move or change seats
• Watch for children that become upset.


You must stand at the control panel and do not leave this station while the ride is operating so that you can hit “EMERGENCY STOP” if needed.

The Emergency Stop procedure applies to all Children’s Rides.

For Tea Cups, Super Trucks, Santa Fe Train, and the Elephant Train the Ride Stops Immediately. Assistance can then be administered directly to those in need.

For Red Baron Planes the ride will stop and the Gondolas will automatically sink to the start position. Assistance can then be given to those in distress. BE AWARE that all gondolas will sink so DO NOT rush to assistance until the ride has fully stopped.

For the Dragon Wagon, the ride will stop immediately. Once it comes to a stop, if the ride is at the highest point on the track, ladders will be used to reach patrons and render assistance.

If a Child is distressed and you feel that you need to stop the ride to allow for the crying child to be removed. You can do this but you will need to completely walk around again and make sure that the remaining children are still sitting down and that seat belts are still secured.

In the case of the Dragon Wagon, if the ride is at the highest point, once a distressed child has been removed. You must use the ladders to check that all remaining patrons are secure before restarting the ride.

BE ALERT and monitor the ride and the patrons also waiting outside the fenced area. If there is any unusual activity you must stop the ride immediately by pressing the emergency stop button.

When the ride cycle is complete and the ride is coming to a stop, you must instruct the children to remain seated until the ride has come to a complete stop. WHEN STOPPED THEN ASSIST CHILDREN OUT OF THE CARS!


Children are very unpredictable and can change in an instance, they can be happy one second and crying to go to their parents the next. You must pay attention that any children are not trying to move from their seats. In any instance that the children look to be moving just Hit “Emergency stop” and bring the ride to a standstill.

In the event that the power goes out the ride will come to a standstill as per hitting Emergency stop. Inform the riders to remain seated until a member of management resolves the issue. If the power cannot be restored then you can unload the riders and re issue their tickets or tell them to go to another ride. If the power is restored and patrons are still seated you must fully check everyone’s seat belts are still in place before re starting the ride again.

• Do not run the ride if you are unsure of its safety
• Stay alert at all times and expect the unexpected
• Alert the management team if there is any unusual sounds in the divice
• Be nice to all patrons they are our gold!
• Smile be happy and have fun with the children

Please Note: It is a policy of ASA and government regulations that all ride operators have a current working with children’s clearance and police check.


    I, (Enter Your Full Name Below and Tax File Number)

    state clearly that I have read and understand the ASA Working Any of Our Rides Instructions and have been trained on the following Rides:

    Please CHECK the Rides you have been trained on below